Victor Gonçalves
Title: Entrada de Emergência| Date: 2021
Technique: Ampoule, nut, threaded bar
Dimensions: 14 x 1.5 cm | Edition of /8
All artworks are accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity.
Shipping informations | #available
VAT included at checkout | Applicable assembly instructions will be delivered with the artwork.
Title: Entrada de Emergência| Date: 2021
Technique: Ampoule, nut, threaded bar
Dimensions: 14 x 1.5 cm | Edition of /8
All artworks are accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity.
Shipping informations | #available
VAT included at checkout | Applicable assembly instructions will be delivered with the artwork.
Title: Entrada de Emergência| Date: 2021
Technique: Ampoule, nut, threaded bar
Dimensions: 14 x 1.5 cm | Edition of /8
All artworks are accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity.
Shipping informations | #available
VAT included at checkout | Applicable assembly instructions will be delivered with the artwork.
"Strategically positioned, this device proposes an action in case of emergency."
"Strategically positioned, this device proposes an action in case of emergency." —
1. What does this work embody? (Formally, plastically, conceptually; what does it project)
It is an aesthetic device that can be used in emergencies to create new entrances. There is no need to break the glass; it is already broken.
2. Where is it embedded? (what was the genesis of the making? - the milieu, the context).
The last time I used this device was to enter the field of calibration instruments, a series of works aimed at measuring the immeasurable.
3. What question or action does it propose?
Strategically positioned, this device proposes an action in case of emergency.
Victor Gonçalves (Brazil, 1989) lives and works in Lisbon. He has a degree in Geography and a specialization in Philosophy. Between 2017 and 2020, he studied with the artist Iole de Freitas at Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Since 2023, he has been directing Atelier BL2 Association. His work is driven by drawing, directed by the critique of the utilitarianism of desires to instrumentalize art; discussing the materiality and fragility of human relationships in the world.
Highlights in his career include participation in the XXII International Art Biennial of Cerveira (2022); his first solo exhibition "Por um Fio," curated by Cristiana Tejo, at NowHere (2021) in Lisbon; and in 2020, one of his works was acquired by the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro for the Cinematheque collection.